


写篇文档总结下吧, 包括了说明需要哪些工具,这些工具又如何安装,如何使用。有兴趣可以看看。下载地址


How to install Tools on mac

  1. In your terminal, cd to this directroy

  2. ‘cp class-dump /usr/local/bin’ (install class-dump)

  3. ‘sudo cp -r theos /opt/theos’ (install theos, include the ldid and lib, just copy is ok)

  4. double-click MacPorts-2.2.1-10.9-Mavericks.pkg, after installed, ‘sudo port selfupdate’ then ‘sudo port install dpkg’ (install dkpg)

  5. optional to install IDA, the idademo65_mac.tgz or Hopper Disassembler (analysis tools)

How to install Tools on jailbreak iOS

  1. ssh, cydia (password:alpine)

  2. AppSync, source : “” (for iOS to install .ipa)

  3. clutch, source : “” (for decrypting the appstore app)

  4. syslogd, source : “””” (for checking the nslog in theos project)

  5. GDB, source : “”

  6. Cycript, source : “”

Maybe some useful commands

  1. ‘/opt/theos/bin/’ (create the theo project)

  2. ‘make package install’ (package the theos project and ssh install it to iOS device)

  3. ‘ssh root@’ (login to iOS system)

  4. ‘grep XIEKW /var/log/syslog’ (check the NSLog, XIEKW is my keywords wrote in the NSLog, just for search filtering purpose)

  5. ‘clutch “Get Likes”‘ (after you ssh in iOS, this will decrypt the app)

  6. the sample project(after decrypted) “Get Likes” and “Instagram” is optional for your testing on class-dump (The command is ‘class-dump -H Instagram -o ~/Desktop/InstagramHeaders’)